Ok, let’s be serious for a minute, I want you to answer the following questions…
1. Are you am-azing in the s-ack?
2. Can you give any woman mind bl owing… pillow b-iting… t 0e curling 0r-g asms on demand?
If you said yes to both of those questions, then you can leave dude because it’s obvious that you’re a boss.
But if you said no and bowed your head in shame like a lost little p-u -ppy who fumbles his way through the bedroom during no okie, then you’re going to LOVE what I’m about to teach you.
After you’ve finished reading this entire post, you’re going to know EXACTLY how to make a woman o -rgasm faster than you ever thought humanly possible.
You’re going to understand why s ex p os-itions are crucial for nailing the G-Sp ot and why you must get her relaxed before s ex to guarantee sensational or ga-sms that will leave her body n umb with pleasure.
Also what you MUST do straight after having s -ex.
Are you ready? Because this isn’t some flimsy throw away bunch of hyped up tips… these are hard hitting, proven ways to make any girl scream with ecstasy… again and again.
I got them from my pals over at O rg-asm Arts, plus I’ve used them myself and they totally work.
Ok awesome, let’s get started.
Now it’s a known fact that women find it much harder to “get off” and o r-gasm without any fo replay, so you should always try and introduce foreplay before s ex, let those tricky fingers hang loose bro.
But even before fo- replay, you have to get her totally relaxed so she’s comfortable in your company. If she’s not relaxed, it’s game over… she’ll be fa-kin like a pro.
Take your time dude, just make her feel at ease so she’s practically be g-ging you to have s ex with her… this is when you take it to the next stage and bring out the “BIG G U-NS”
Right then, once you’ve made her feel relaxed, clothes are off and you’re h -umping her like a ja-ck rabbit, remember to use these 3 cheeky G-Sp -ot moves:
Assume the normal “Do g-gystyle” position, then gu-ide her head down so it’s on the bed, make sure her ass is still in the air.
Now place a pi-llow un-derneath her st-omach and tell her to rest on it. So she’s relaxed and just ready to be pounded.
Lastly, just go for it. Thrust do-wnwards, hard and with a steady pace so that it’s consistent. Try and ma-intain the th rusting for 5 minutes, if you can do that she’ll have a s qu-irting o rg-asm in no time.
Assume the normal mis -sionary position, then take both her legs and place them over both of your shoulders. Place a pillow under her lower back and slightly lift her le- gs so her a -ss is just off the bed.
Now all you need to do is thrust hard and with a consistent pace. Mix things up by moving towards her face and whispering na -ughty things to her, also taking just the one l -eg and p umping her just like that.
Yeeeehaa cowboy. Grab a chair and ask her to sit on top, make sure she leans back and holds onto the edge of the chair, arching her back as she does this.
Now it’s up to her to do the work, but it’s important to tell her to ride you h ard. Talk her through it by saying n aughty things so she gets turned on and keeps going.
Make it a point to throw all of these positions in at some point and spend 5 to 10 minutes on each.